Tuberose is one of those maddeningly enigmatic scents that is either an immense joy to work with, or the source of unrivaled frustration. For me it is a surreal flower, an absinthian trip reminiscent of Alice’s caterpillar atop the mushroom. With an eerily complex bouquet, Tuberose vibrates with ... View Post
Just added another wonderful market to our schedule! Join us at Somerville's annual Herbstalk market June 6th and 7th. Did you know that our Botanical Fragrances include many of the same ingredients prized among aromatherapists and herbal healers? It's true! Essential oils such as Lavender, Geran... View Post
Follow your nose to the market this summer! Thorn & Bloom Perfume has been accepted to the South End Open Market @ SoWa and will be selling our scented wares starting Sunday June 28th. If you'd like to know our upcoming market dates and locations, please visit our Twitter and Facebook pages. View Post
Great news today! Thorn & Bloom Perfume has been accepted as a vendor at the Greenway Open Market. Be sure to check out our Twitter and Facebook pages for upcoming dates if you'd like to stop by in person and experience our scents. View Post
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